

Citizen Interaction Design and Its Implications for HCI – a talk by Cliff Lampe, UM

Hybrid-Com Arts Room 191 and Via Zoom 404 Wilson Rd, Room 191, East Lansing, MI, United States

Friday, September 13, 2019, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM, Room 191 ComArtSci Abstract: In this talk, he will describe the Citizen Interaction Design program, which partners with Michigan cities to conduct user experience research projects, connects students to information problems in civic contexts, and implements civic technology for a broad range of civic problems. Dr. Lampe will discuss the structure of this program, several projects that have been done in cities like Jackson, Detroit and Lansing, as well as the pedagogical outcomes of the work. Finally, he will connect this program to HCI research more broadly, and discuss next stages of this […]


Quello at the 47th TPRC

American University Washington College of Law 4300 Nebraska Ave NW, Washington, Washington, DC, United States

Quello Researchers will present five papers at the 47th Research Conference on Communications, Information and Internet Policy in Washington, DC. Topics include communications policy and political participation, policies to narrow the digital divide in distressed communities, international comparisons of online political expression, 5G policy, and next generation internet innovation.

Where is Digital Technology’s Ralph Nader? A talk by Kentaro Toyama

Room 155 404 Wilson Road, Room 155, East Lansing, MI, United States WATCH THE LIVE STREAMUntil the mid-1960s, the automobile industry cared little for safety regulation. That changed in 1966 when the United States passed the National Traffic and Motor Vehicles Safety Act, which then House Speaker John McCormack credited to the "crusading spirit of one individual who believed he could do something... Ralph Nader." Today, we are faced with a digital technology industry that appears to care little for regulation, worrying that any constraints will dampen innovation. Yet, despite mounting concerns about technology's role in destroying privacy, eroding mental health, increasing inequality, and even threatening democracy itself, regulation is slow […]


Communication Regulatory Science: Optimizing Hookah Tobacco Public Education Messages to Reduce Young Adult Use

Room 155 404 Wilson Road, Room 155, East Lansing, MI, United States

A talk by Glenn Leshner, University of Oklahoma Friday, October 11, 2019, 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in CAS 145 Communication regulatory science (CRS) is “communication research that uses validated techniques, tools, and models to inform regulatory actions that promote optimal communication outcomes and benefit the public” (Noar, et al, 2019). An example of CRS research is provided in the context of hookah smoking behavior. Hookah tobacco use is a public health concern because it poses substantial health risks, promotes addiction, and is associated with progression to cigarette smoking. Based on our literature review and pilot testing, we identified message […]


IMPhD & Quello Center present: Lanier Holt, The Ohio State University

Room 155 404 Wilson Road, Room 155, East Lansing, MI, United States Is there anything that can be done? Examining the effect media messages have on race and perception. Very little of what we know about the world today comes from reality. Increasingly what fills the gap between what we know, and come to believe, comes from media messages. Media scholars have long known first-hand experience/reality offset almost all media effects. However, recent research has also shown that racial discussions are rare, and even on social media, people are more likely to self-select themselves into racially homogenous enclaves than to have a diverse network of friends. This presentation discusses the status […]


Amy Gonzalez, UC Santa Barbara: Importance of Access to Digital Technology for Building and Maintaining Social Capital and Quality of Life

Room 155 404 Wilson Road, Room 155, East Lansing, MI, United States

We are reliant on digital technology for nearly every aspect of daily life, including searching for job, completing coursework, and accessing healthcare. In this talk I will present data from two studies demonstrating the essential nature of digital access for the health, quality of life, and social capital of individuals from marginalized communities. First, I will present findings from a diary study in Philadelphia on the use of digital technology to broaden social networks for those constrained by geographic segregation. Second, I will present findings from a 6-month field experiment in Indiana demonstrating that stable access to cell-phones improves health […]


Amanda Holmstrom: Communicating Social Support to those in Need: What Research Does – and Doesn’t – Tell Us

Room 155 404 Wilson Road, Room 155, East Lansing, MI, United States

Friday, January 17, 2020, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in CAS 145 We rely on the people around us to help us move through our personal, professional, and relational struggles. Consequently, the provision and reception of high-quality, supportive communication is vital for physical, mental, and relational well-being. However, we sometimes lack the skills to send the most effective messages of support to those in need. In my talk, I’ll discuss my research program that is centered around the communication of social support. In doing so, I’ll focus on key theoretical and pragmatic implications of this body of research. Amanda Holmstrom […]


Spatial data analytics for 5G assessment By Edward Oughton

Quello Center 404 Wilson Rd, Room 233, East Lansing, MI, United States

Edward Oughton, University of Oxford 5G is now the focus in telecom markets around the world. Hence, decision makers in industry and government require new evidence to help strategically connect both people and things to a faster, more reliable internet. This presentation focuses on the development of new spatial data analytics to support decisions relating to telecommunication technologies, business models and policies, based on engineering-economic assessment of 5G roll-out. Research using four key methods which underpin these analytics will be presented including (i) simulation modeling, (ii) open-source software, (iii) machine learning and (iv) high performance computing. Attention will also be […]
