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International Impact of AI on Economy and Society Webinar

This webinar examines the current and potential impact of artificial intelligence on the economy and society.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already a widespread technology, affecting every aspect of our daily life. Even though it is, as yet, no more than a machine or program performing a narrow range of tasks efficiently, it already does so as well as or even better than humans. Some experts are hailing this spectacular improvement in AI capacity, but others are concerned. AI is a double-edged sword: it can either protect or damage people depending on how it is used. Technologies, including AI, are intrinsically neutral, and it is humans (both developers and users) who determine the purposes to which AI is put. With the help of AI, we can develop new materials and vaccines faster, manage internet traffic more efficiently, and boost production efficiency. AI however can also generate unexpected economic and social turmoil, such as disruptive industrial restructuring entailing unemployment and widening income inequality, malicious use by terrorists, privacy breaches, and violations of human dignity. We are now receiving AI with conflicting emotions, hopes and fears. Humans are especially afraid of AI because it is not just relieving us of long and hard physical labour, but it is also beginning to substitute human intelligence (our brain functions).

Recognizing the potential dual impacts of AI on economy and society, TP recently published the very special issue on “Artificial intelligence, economy and society,” this webinar summons seven authors of the special issue to continue their unfinished discussions. We cordially invite you to this timely international forum.


This online event convenes at 14:00 pm CET on November 19, 2020 and is scheduled to run for 90 minutes.

Start times in other parts of the world are as follows:
Canada and United States: 08:00 am EST
Asia: Bangkok 20:00; Beijing/Singapore 21:00; Seoul/Tokyo 22:00

The program for this event  — including the list of speakers, as well as information on how to register — can be found at the following link:

Rregistration is free of charge. Please register here