Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Oxford
Craig T. Robertson is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. Before Oxford, Craig studied at Michigan State University in the Department of Media & Information, exploring questions related to digital news and online platforms. Specific focus is placed on news trust and credibility, fact-checking and verification, and how both partisan attitudes and epistemic beliefs factor into these domains.
Craig’s dissertation research focuses on the relationship between individuals’ epistemological beliefs (their beliefs about knowledge and knowing) and perceptions of news credibility. Other published work in Digital Journalism, Journalism Studies, and the International Journal of Press/Politics has explored the content and self-presentations of fake news sites, as well as audience interest in fact-checking sites. Methodologically, Craig draws on a range of approaches, from interviews, to surveys, to content analysis and experiments, with an eye to publishing research that has relevance to a range of audiences.
Originally from New Zealand, Craig has a background in journalism (Master of Communication Studies, 2016), law (Bachelor of Laws, 2013), and political science (Bachelor of Arts, 2013), having studied these at the University of Auckland and Auckland University of Technology. See his Google Scholar profile.