Join us as we discuss issues related to smart cities/public-private partnerships and the challenges associated with driving innovative projects that require coordinating with diverse stakeholders, especially when topics of data, privacy and AI are involved.
Christine L. Borgman’s Quello Lecture on ‘Motivations for Sharing and Reusing Data: Complexities and Contradictions in the Use of a Digital Data Archive’ presented for the Quello Center, Michigan State University, on October 5, 2016. The talk draws on her research with DANS, the Data Archiving and Networked Services of the Netherlands, and the UCLA Center for Knowledge Infrastructures. Christine L. Borgman – Motivations for Sharing and Reusing Data from Quello Center on Vimeo. Abstract Researchers face competing challenges for access to their data. One is the pressure to make their data open in response to mandates from funding agencies, […]
Professor Christine Borgman, UCLA’s Presidential Chair in Information Studies, and a member of the Quello Center Advisory Board, will be giving a Quello Lecture on the 5th of October 2016 at MSU’s College of Arts and Sciences. Her latest book is entitled Big Data, Little Data, No Data, which I interviewed her about for Voices from Oxford (VOX). My VOX interview with Christine was done when we were both at Balliol College and is at: The interview is brief, just over 15 minutes, but I hope it will give you a sense of the wide range of topics that […]