A blog from Evelyne Cudel, suggesting a role for the Quello Center. Posted with her permission:
“Place people at the heart of the global agenda”
For an “integrated humanitarian action, sustainable development, and the creation of peaceful societies.”
On a moral reflection:
The First World Humanitarian Summit will be held on 23 and 24 May 2016 in Istanbul: a call for action by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. https://www.worldhumanitariansummit.org/
The event has been planned for years.
The UN Synthetic Report (Geneva, October 6, 2015) “called for action around five key concepts: dignity, safety, resilience, partnership and finance.”
The data: “our world confronting huge, almost uncontrollable human disasters… one hundred millions of people in need of urgent humanitarian assistance and at least 60 millions of people forced to flee their homes or their countries.”
Among most recent recommendations of the global consultation the “UN system will have to work closer together, be innovative and continue to reform policies.”
The Quello Center, “founded to improve understanding of policy choices and management options affected by change in communication industries and to assist in the development of new alternatives” can take a “leading role in stimulating and informing communication policy and practice” as dictated by the global consultation of the First World Humanitarian Summit. The Internet and related social media and other mobile applications will be indispensable to the development of true and effective “inclusive partnerships.”
All applications will require “solutions and actions dealing with root causes.” Doing so will require “the wisdom of communication policy and regulation”, another contribution the Quello Center can contribute expertise during the consultation process as well as to future ongoing mission in action.
As the dialogue among the participants to the preparation of the Summit continues, I recommend to all a thorough examination of the global ongoing consultation which I hope will inspire you to engage in active contribution. We all can participate to the present dialogue and future applications with our unique talents toward the development of “innovative methods of work and partnership.”
*Citations from the UN Deputy-General Keynote Speech at the World Humanitarian Summit Global. Consultation, Geneva October 15, 2015
Prepared by Evelyne Cudel, Ph.D. (Anthropology UCR)
Transdisciplinary Studies
Email: cudel@msu.edu