Join us as we discuss issues related to smart cities/public-private partnerships and the challenges associated with driving innovative projects that require coordinating with diverse stakeholders, especially when topics of data, privacy and AI are involved.
This webinar examines the current and potential impact of artificial intelligence on the economy and society. Artificial intelligence (AI) is already a widespread technology, affecting every aspect of our daily life. Even though it is, as yet, no more than a machine or program performing a narrow range of tasks efficiently, it already does so as well as or even better than humans. Some experts are hailing this spectacular improvement in AI capacity, but others are concerned. AI is a double-edged sword: it can either protect or damage people depending on how it is used. Technologies, including AI, are intrinsically […]
Yesterday afternoon, April 11, Richard Stallman, President and Founder of the Free Software Foundation gave a rather comprehensive and critical perspective on the ways in which our digital society is not meeting his definition of a free society. His talk, entitled ‘A Free Digital Society’ began with a focus on free software, meaning software that does not control the user – as users control free software. He developed a set of criteria for the requirements underpinning free software over the first hour of his talk, what he called the four freedoms. To Stallman, free software is a basic human right. […]